Packaging you can eat
By Canadian Packaging staff
Design & Innovation Sustainability Corrugated Film Paperboard Packaging American Chemical Society casein milk protein edible packaging USDA (United States Department of Agriculture)Milk-based packaging a future sustainable alternative to landfill waste.
Ever wanted to eat your packaging? Well, now you can.
Okay, perhaps eating one’s packaging isn’t something one needs to do, but edible milk-based packaging can reduce food spoilage and plastic waste.
The new edible food packaging is created from casein, a milk protein—a sustainable, biodegradeable, safe and edible product that is derived from research conducted by the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture).
The casein milk protein film could be utilized to package food items or even applied as a spray to maintain dryness of paperboard and corrugated packaging.
To read the article written by Michael Irving for the inline New Atlas magazine, click HERE.
Image above depicting the milk-based packaging is from the American Chemical Society.