Canadian Packaging

UK grocery sector reduces food and drink packaging waste

By Canadian Packaging Staff   


While not all goals were met, the Phase 2 of the Corthauld Commitment made great strides in reducing greenhouse gases and food and packaging waste reductions.

The Food and Drink Federation (FDF), who represent the UK’s food and non-alcoholic drink manufacturing industry, has announced that the UK grocery sector has made a tremendous effort in reducing food, drink and packaging waste by 1.7 million tones, which equals a reduction of 4.8 million tones of carbon dioxide (CO2), but acknowledges not all targets were met.

The reduction took place between 2010 and 2012, and part of the Courtauld Commitment Phase 2 agreement, shows:

  • supply chain target of 5 per cent was exceeded, with a 7.4 per cent reduction;
  • packaging met its 10 per cent carbon impact reduction target;
  • while household food waste was reduced by 5.3 per cent;
  • the overall household food waste target was missed, however, falling short of the four per cent goal, at 3.7 per cent.

Many FDF members have already signed up to Phase 3 of the Courtauld Commitment (beginning May 2013 through 2015) that will aim to further reduce the weight and carbon impact of household food waste as well grocery product and packaging waste.

The Courtland Commitment is a voluntary agreement to improve resource efficiency and waste reduction within the UK grocery sector.


The agreement is funded by government agencies in England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wale, and is delivered by WRAP, a not-for-profit private company that provides governance, support and scrutiny working with leading retailers, brand owners, manufacturers and suppliers.

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