Canadian Packaging

RM2 joins American Business Act on Climate Pledge

By Canadian Packaging staff   

General Sustainability Palletizing American Business Act on Climate Pledge COP21 United Nations Conference on Climate Change RM2

RM2 USA Makes Sustainability Pledge in Advance of COP21 in commitment to climate action.

PARIS, FRANCE—On December 1, 2015, RM2 announced it has joined the American Business Act on Climate Pledge, joining more than 140 companies from across the American economy that are standing with the Obama Administration to demonstrate an ongoing commitment to climate action and a voice to support for a strong outcome to the COP21 United Nations Conference on Climate Change in Paris.

RM2 is a full-service pallet supply and management solution company with a 360,000 square foot state of the art manufacturing facility in Toronto, Canada. It’s listed on London’s AIM market and has its US headquarters in Chatham, New Jersey.

By joining the American Business Act on Climate Pledge, companies commit to supporting action on climate change. The COP21 conference in Paris on November 30 – December 11 will focus on building a low-carbon, sustainable future. Click here for the White House fact sheet:

The American Business Act on Climate Pledge
Walsh says: “We applaud the growing number of countries that have already set ambitious targets for climate action. In this context, we support the conclusion of a climate change agreement in Paris that takes a strong step forward toward a low-carbon, sustainable future. We recognize that delaying action on climate change will be costly in economic and human terms, while accelerating the transition to a low-carbon economy will produce multiple benefits with regards to sustainable economic growth, public health, resilience to natural disasters, and the health of a global environment.

“RM2 is honored to join the American Business Act on Climate Pledge and support other leaders from the private sector dedicated to reducing emissions in their daily operations and overall supply chain,” he continues.

“Our team of engineers created the BLOCKPal pallet to be a sustainable and competitive pallet solution for every supply chain. Our pallets drive down costs, reduce deforestation and shrink our customer’s carbon footprint.”

RM2 USA and the RM2 Group specialize in pallet development, manufacture, supply and management. Their goal is to establish a leading presence in global pallet supply and improve the supply chain of manufacturing and distribution businesses through the effective and efficient use and management of composite pallets. RM2’s customer-centric approach focuses on improving environmental efficiencies in the customer supply chain and is committed to reducing the emissions intensity to produce the BLOCKPal composite pallet.

RM2 is proud to join the American Business Act on Climate pledge and is dedicated to achieving outstanding environmental performance for our company and customers. RM2 pledges to take a comprehensive approach in promoting sustainability, including:

  • Reducing RM2 manufacturing GHG emissions intensity 20 percent by 2025, compared with its 2015 baseline;
  • Reducing pallet-related CO2 emissions by 21 percent when customers switch from a conventional pallet to the RM2 BLOCKPal;
  • Through projected customer usage, the RM2 BLOCKPal will help in the reduction of 1.9 million tons of CO2 by 2025 and 4.4 million tons by 2030;
  • RM2 will continue to explore investment in technologies, products and processes that promote sustainability. It will continue to develop tracking and logistics software that provides real time intelligence to monitor and optimize the efficient movement of any transit equipment;
  • RM2 will continue its strategy to reduce the impact of manufacturing and operations in the areas of water, waste and CO2 emissions. RM2’s strategy includes: 1) The continued reduction of impact in fabrication and assembly operations; 2) Further adoption of new technologies with reduced environmental impact; 3) Seeking suppliers with similar eco-efficient strategies; and 4) Publishing annual RM2 CSR and Sustainability reports, starting in 2016.

About RM2 USA
RM2 USA specializes in providing a full service pallet supply and management solution. Founded in 2007, the company is establishing a leading presence in global pallet supply and improving the supply chain of manufacturing and distribution businesses through the effective and efficient use and management of composite pallets, allowing customers to move it better. For more information, visit, call (844) 779-9858, or contact them via e-mail at


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