Canadian Packaging

New regulations are coming for the Canadian food and beverage Industry in 2018

By Canadian Packaging staff   

Food Safety General Coding & Labeling Canadian Food Inspection Agency CFIA food and beverage regulations in Canada NSF International Safe Food for Canadian Regulations Safe Food for Canadians Act SFCR

NSF offers courses and training to help food and beverage companies prepare themselves for the upcoming challenges.

GUELPH, Ont.—Lest we forget, new regulations for the food & beverage industry are coming to Canada in 2018 – and NSF International has your back.

NSF can prepare your business to enhance food safety and be ready for the final publication of the Safe Food for Canadian Regulations (SFCR).

The NSF International Global Food Division provides expertise and accredited services across all supply chain sectors, from agriculture, produce, processing, distribution and dairy, to seafood, retail and restaurants. Services include Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) certification (SQF, BRC, GLOBALG.A.P., FSSC, IFS, BAP and CanadaGAP), plus expert training, auditing, consulting and technical services, HACCP validation and inspection, organic and Certified Transitional food certification through Quality Assurance International (QAI), and specialty food verification and certification (including Non-GMO Project and gluten-free). NSF is also the leading certifier of foodservice equipment, nonfood compounds and bottled water/beverages. NSF maintains a headquarters in Guelph, Ont.

The proposed regulations would require all food businesses, no matter the size, to have preventive controls in place to identify and manage food safety risks before products are sold to consumers.

The SFCR is intended to improve consumer confidence by preventing food safety outbreaks and rapidly removing unsafe food from the market. These changes affect anyone who is importing, exporting, preparing, manufacturing, storing, packaging or labeling food.

The proposed SFCR would bring the Safe Food for Canadians Act into force and the proposal consolidates 14 sets of existing regulations into one.

Stronger rules, as well as new approaches to inspections, services and use of risk information to plan inspections, will strengthen the Canadian Food Inspection Agency‘s (CFIA‘s) ability to meet the needs of consumers and industry.

Three Key Elements of the Proposed Regulations

  1. Licensing allows the CFIA to know who is involved in preparing food for sale and what they are preparing. It would also help the CFIA to share important food safety information directly with licensed businesses.
  2. Preventive controls help to prevent food safety hazards and reduce the likelihood of contaminated products entering the market, whether they are prepared within or outside of Canada.
  3. Traceability documents would show the path of a food one step forward and one step back. This would reduce the time it takes to remove unsafe products from the market.

For more information, and how to better prepare for the upcoming changes to the food & beverage industry, visit


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