Canadian Packaging

TricorBraun Announces 2019 Supplier Partner Awards

Canadian Packaging   

General 2019 Supplier Partner Awards 2020 Annual Sales Meeting & Supplier Showcase Altira Boda CKS Packaging Currier Plastics Fast Plastics Parts/PSG Inc. Kutterer Mauer Saudi Arabian Glass Co. Ltd TricorBraun

The awards were announced at TricorBraun’s 2020 Annual Sales Meeting & Supplier Showcase

TricorBraun, a global packaging leader, today announced its 2019 Supplier Partner Awards, recognizing Altira, Inc. as Domestic Plastic Supplier of the Year; Boda as International Plastic Supplier of the Year; and Saudi Arabian Glass as Glass Supplier of the Year. The awards were announced at TricorBraun’s 2020 Annual Sales Meeting & Supplier Showcase.

“Our supplier partners are essential to helping us meet our customers’ needs, so it’s important that we recognize the best of the best and celebrate our joint success,” said Mark O’Bryan, chief operations officer, TricorBraun. “Together, we create opportunities to grow our businesses while delivering world-class packaging solutions.”

Voted on by all TricorBraun team members, the TricorBraun Supplier of the Year awards are based on sales representative accessibility; responsiveness and flexibility; total cost competitiveness; customer service support; innovation; and proactiveness involving new packaging, processes, channels of supply and communication. TricorBraun’s Supply Chain team selected the Commitment to Excellence in Quality Award; the company’s Design & Engineering team chose the Development Partner Awards.

The 2019 TricorBraun Supplier Partner Awards Winners are:

  • Altira, Inc., Domestic Plastic Supplier of the Year
  • Boda, International Plastic Supplier of the Year
  • Saudi Arabian Glass Co. Ltd, Glass Supplier of the Year
  • CKS Packaging, Inc., Commitment to Excellence in Quality
  • Fast Plastics Parts/PSG Inc., Development Partner
  • Currier Plastics, Development Partner
  • Kutterer Mauer, Development Partner


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