Harpak-Ulma’s got new meaty packaging
Canadian Packaging
Automation Flexibles G. Mondini Trave G. Mondini Trave series tray seal equipment Harpak-ULMA Super Protruding packageNew technology from Harpak-Ulma introduces new packaging for large cuts of fresh meat.
Harpak-ULMA has introduced a new technology for vacuum skin packaging larger cuts of meat called the “Super Protruding” package.
Formed on the G. Mondini Trave series tray seal equipment, the system enables packaging product which protrudes greatly above the flange.
The package can be formed using either high- or low-profile pre-made trays.
A vacuum skin is formed over the product and on the tray surface creating visual appeal and extending shelf life. A sleeve label may be applied.
G. Mondini Trave sealers employ an innovative Platform Technology which enables a single machine to deliver multiple packaging solutions, including below the flange skin, stretch seal, Darfresh on Tray and more.
For more information contact Jim Ryan via e-mail at jimryan@harpak-ulma.com or visit www.harpak-ulma.com/platform.