Pharmaceutical Serialization Strategies Paper
By Canadian Packaging Staff
General Systech InternationalSeveral countries will soon adopt serialization regulations. The emergence of these mandates, coupled with the uncertainty of future requirements, necessitates that pharmaceutical manufacturers establish global serialization strategies.
Pharmaceutical manufacturers involved in serialization decision-making need to consider employing serialization solutions that efficiently address both current and future needs. Moreover, serialization initiatives hinge on effective data management, so implementing a Packaging Execution System (PES) that enables bi-directional communication between the packaging line and the enterprise is more important than ever.
Manufacturers who invest in productized, configurable and expandable serialization solutions will be best positioned to address current requirements, leverage future opportunities, and be fully prepared to respond to ongoing demands. Such solutions effectively “future-proof” manufacturers while also helping control total cost of ownership (TCO).
Systech International has developed a paper, Serialization Strategies for Today & Tomorrow, based on the learnings gleaned from working with the 20 largest pharmaceutical manufacturers on 150 serialization lines. This piece examines the market conditions surrounding serialization and enumerates the primary criteria for selecting a unified approach. It also illustrates how Systech’s third-generation Serialized Product Tracking (SPT) software helps address those considerations.
To access the paper, please click here: