NHDSC reveals on-line hot dog ingredient list
By Canadian Packaging staff
General Hot Dog Ingredients Guide Major League Baseball park hotdog list National Hot Dog and Sausage Council NHDSCThe National Hot Dog and Sausage Council debuts a new guide to common ingredients found in hot dogs and sausages to provide transparency to the consumer.
Have you ever wondered what the real ingredients are in a hot dog? Sure, we’ve all heard rumors about what’s in them… but wonder no longer.
The United States NHDSC (National Hot Dog and Sausage Council) has developed and released its Hot Dog Ingredients Guide to quell the rumor mill with on-line information on the ingredients in a hot dog and sausage, and just why those ingredients are there.
Granted it’s a guide to common ingredients, so odds are you won’t find out why squid ink was added, for example, but the on-line list not only provides an easy-to-use search engine for ingredients, but also includes easy-to-understand definitions of hot dog and sausage marketing terms on the side of the page, such as “cured”, “uncured”, “skinless”, “natural casing”, “hormone free”, “antibiotic free” and “organic”, to provide consumers a better understanding of what they are eating, and even how to shop for a product that is right for them.
The Hot Dog Ingredients Guide can be found at: http://www.hot-dog.org/resources/Hot-Dog-Ingredients-Guide
The website of the NHDSC is fun.
Under the Culture heading, the NHDSC has provided wonderful facts and videos about: How Hot Dogs Are Made; and even a guide to what hot dogs and sausages are available at 23 MLB (Major League Baseball) parks, though it does not yet have the 2017 menu from each locale. No, there is no listing for the Toronto Blue Jays.
For more information on the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council, visit www.hot-dog.org.
Image courtesy of the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council.